Author Archives: MasterUser

Final report

“Columba-Hypatia: Astronomy for Peace” is a joint astronomy outreach project by GalileoMobile and the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) which takes place on the island of Cyprus. The project aims to inspire young people, through astronomy, to be curious about science and the cosmos, while also using astronomy as a tool for promoting […]

update: Festivalitos de Astronomía, Cundinamarca 2018

The Association of Astronomy of Colombia – ASASAC, with the support and commitment of Colsubsidio, CILABS, the National University of Colombia and the International Astronomical Union conducted the Festivalitos de Astronomía program. It is worth highlighting the impact generated to children, youth and adults who for the first time access this type of program and […]

update: Final report

The third GUAtemalan School of Astrophysics (GUASA) was held in Guatemala City and it was on Compact Objects under the motto: Compact Objects: Neutron Stars, White Dwarfs and Black Holes. The school aimed to bring together local Central American/Caribbean undergraduate students of physics /mathematics /engineering, with experts from prestigious astronomical institutions from around the world. […]

update: Final report

The project created a physical simulator that demonstrates the effects of light pollution on the starry sky and the difference that well-designed lighting can make. The simulator consists of a LED-based model board simulating the starry sky and several LED model light fixtures. The board simulates the night sky using LED’s of variable brightness, simulating […]