Author Archives: MasterUser

Final report

Project report (PDF) The project was coordinated by the Astronomy Association of Colombia – ASASAC, with the support and commitment of Colsubsidio, CILABS, the National University of Colombia and the International Astronomical Union. It’s worth highlighting the impact generated to children, youth and adults, that for the first time have access to this type of […]

Sonification videos and Web apps

The project produced 5 sonification videos in 2018. True Love Waits: Jupiter’s Moons: Black Widow Pulsar: Play Saturn Harp: Play Jupiter’s Moons: Github: They have been viewed over 65 000 times on YouTube and were featured on, Virgin Radio, and in The Outline. We produced 2 online applications (Saturn […]

update: Activities

We  developed the following activities on the islands of Santo Antao, Sao Vicente, Santiago and Fogo: (1) continuing education courses for teachers along the lines of international program Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP); (2) astronomy sessions for students; (3) public activities of observation of the sky and the sun with telescopes; (4) activities with children […]

update: School themes

The preparation for the school is underway ArAS SfA-3 will cover the following fields: Theoretical themes: (i) Star Formation and Nuclear Astrophysics, (ii) Statistical methods for Astronomical Data analysis Writing a proposal: How to write a proposal to obtain observational time in professional telescope Data/Observation: How to get data from telescope archives and How to […]

update: activities and tactile model production

In this project our goal is to create and distribute educational kits composed of tactile 3D maps of galaxies accompanied by a manual and multimedia material to educators working with BVI students that want to introduce Astronomy concepts in their classrooms, or to astronomers and/or science outreach coordinators that want to do more inclusive Astronomy […]