Author Archives: MasterUser


Kathmandu Astrophysics School 2020 (KAS20) will be a 2-week astrophysics school on ‘Introduction to Astronomical Data Analysis ‘, targeting 25 advanced undergraduate students from Nepal (~80%) and abroad (~20%). The first week of the school will cover programming basics in ‘An Introduction to Python’ in order to ensure students develop the necessary skills to tackle […]


The increase in internally displaced persons (IDP’s)to 1.7million people in Nigeria breeds grounds for inequality, illiteracy, peace & security problems and other developmental challenges for the future of the IDP children. This project aims to teach the children to embrace peace and togetherness by bringing in seasoned counsellorsand professionals to be a part of the […]


Hands-on Astronomy Curriculum Training for Primary and Secondary School Teachers (HOACTS) is a sustainable local socio-economic development workshop through Astronomy which is designed to promote astronomy appreciation among primary/secondary school science teacherswith physics and Engineering education students. It will promote Astronomy awareness using the CBSS 15cm David Levy comet Hunter Optical telescope with deep sky […]


Astronomy showed significant development in East African region in terms of human capacity building, infrastructural development, education, research and trainings. Establishment and opening ups of Astronomy and space science departments and institutes, establishment of research groups such as East Africa Astronomical Research network (EAARN) in the region have created an opportunity for students to easily […]


The COSMOamautas program (amauta=teacher/knowledgeable in the indigenous language Quechua) aims to bring teacher training workshops in Astronomy and Space Science to high school teachers in rural areas in Peru. We have selected rural communities where the first professional national telescopes have been recently built, yet their presence has made no significant impact on the science […]