Author Archives: MasterUser

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Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE) is an organization based in Ladakh, India providing clean energy and education access to remote off-grid communities in Himalayas. Electricity has acted as a powerful tool to stimulate economic empowerment and create new streams of revenue generation for this region. With a vision to leverage astronomy as a key development intervention […]


Italy suffers a lack of policy/infrastructure for impaired people, often marginalised, thus increasing the gap with non-impaired people who also miss an enrichment which is only possible through true interaction with people each other. Astronomy shows us how small Planet Earth is. For visually impaired, it is difficult to visualize mentally what solar system bodies […]


By this project Irkutsk Regional Astronomical Organisation (IRAO) and Irkutsk Planetarium (IP) will make the school subject of astronomy more practical, find and inspire the amateur astronomers and give the people a chance to look at the night sky. All these serve the socio-economic development of the remote territories and give the talented school children […]


The project will deliver astronomy lectures, games, and do-it-yourself astronomy equipment to young kids. Due to voluminous number of kids who belong below the poverty line, we are aiming to cater about 300 kids for 3batches, in three different places, aged 7-10 years old who are living in the slums of metro manila and will […]


Like other STEM fields, astronomy suffers from under-representation of women and minorities and lack of role models to inspire the next generation of astronomers, including Lebanon.   The project core is a platform called She Speaks Science, that aims to make science accessible and promotes women in STEM, one story at a time. Scheherazade, […]