Author Archives: MasterUser

Final report

Clear Skies was conceived as an excersise to inculcate rational thinking in students, using Astronomy as an effective tool. For more than a year, the project team worked with the same set of underprivileged students from Shaikhpet, Hyderabad in India. Various sessions were held with around 200 students, aged 12-15, ranging from eclipse observations, lectures […]

Final report

The project organized a 6-days workshop for 61 science teachers in Monrovia, Liberia. The educational system, as one of the key drivers for social and economic development, is in a devastating condition after two civil wars and the Ebola crisis. The workshop aimed at supporting the teachers with basic astronomy knowledge and classroom experiments to […]

Final report

The Regional Astronomical Summer School (September 2-6, 2019) and the Regional Astronomical Workshop (September 11-13, 2019) took place at the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), which is located near village Byurakan on the picturesque southern slope of Mount Aragatz. The Regional Astronomical Summer School was aimed at attracting beginner astronomers and related MSc and PhD students to the field of scientific […]

Impact of Astronomical Facilities on Local Development – Perspectives from Sutherland: An OAD Report

Authors:Tawanda Chingozha, Economics PhD Candidate (Stellenbosch University), OAD Fellow. He is Zimbabwean. Amidou Sorgho, Astro-physics PhD Candidate (University of Cape Town), OAD Fellow. He is Burkinabè. Estefany san Andreas, Socio-Cultural Anthropologist with studies in Jungian Psychology, OAD Fellow. She is Ecuadorian. Amelia Hankel, BSc Physics (with astronomy focus) & BA Human Rights (University of Connecticut), OAD […]