Author Archives: MasterUser

Final report

The Supernova Foundation is a global, virtual mentoring programme for women in physics. We have nearly 50 senior women scientists who volunteer as mentors and about 90 women undergraduate and postgraduate students from around the world. Finding we were growing faster than we had administrative capacity to support, we received funding from the OAD to […]

The Impact of Racial Inequalities in Achieving the SDGs

This article is based on a ‘Impact for Breakfast’ talk given by OAD Director Kevin Govender and OAD Fellow Tawanda Chingozha on the impact of racial inequalities on development in Africa. The first half of the blog (on the OAD, racism and its effect on project funding) was presented by Govender, and the second part […]

Final report

SYSTEM Sounds is a sci-art outreach project that converts the rhythm and harmony of the cosmos into music and sound. In 2019 we engaged the general public through exhibits, public talks, and online videos. As part of our artist residency with the Ontario Science Centre (OSC) and the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) we created […]