Author Archives: MasterUser

Amateur astronomers’ network as outreach fosters

Target location: Russia and Germany at the first stage. Australia, USA – later. All countries of the world as the indicator of the right pace of the project and right orgatizators in different cites of the world. Target audience: 1. Amateur astronomers (organizers, presenters, lecturers – on one hand, and also beginners who want to […]

AIM – All dIgital reMote

Target location: Brazil Target audience: Children and teenagers from the City of God favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Teachers at public schools and after-school programs who service the community. The AIM project will promote online learning for students in the City of God favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In addition, it will assist […]

“Under the Same Stars” Communications Campaign

Target location: Astronomers Without Borders membership runs through 143 countries, however, we will be targeting all countries in this campaign. Target audience: Our primary target audience is everyone around the world. The project aims to help those who are fighting with mental distress to look up at the sky and feel connected to others around […]

Applications open for 3rd Kathmandu Astrophysics School

Applications for the third Kathmandu Astrophysics School on “Introduction to astronomical techniques and data analysis” (KAS20) are open online until 5 pm GMT, 11 October 2020:   KAS20: “Introduction to astronomical techniques and data analysis” will be held in two parts, starting on 9 November 2020. The first component will be an online program covering at […]

Behold the sky: Final report

Behold the Sky is an ongoing project that consists of loaning of solar PST telescopes and education material to teachers (AstroKits) that receive training in solar astrophysics topics.  Goals: make available 2 new AstroKits (there were 3) as well as reformulate and include new education materials on all kits. We completed 5 Astrokits: We bought […]