Author Archives: MasterUser

SA FM show: “As the world changes, science does too”

OAD’s Kevin Govender talks on South African radio about Science 4.0 and the changes afoot. Link to download audio: As the world changes, science does too This show was based on the article written in The Conversation by Kevin Govender, Director, International Astronomical Union Office of Astronomy for Development and Carolina Odman, Associate Professor, University […]

Final report

As all education moved online due to COVID, a number of initiatives came up to support students. Tutors however were not always priority recipients for support. This project used the OAD grant to pay for data bundles and tutors time. This additional support made a big difference to the lecturers, the tutors, and most importantly, […]

PENTA Mentorship Program for Women

PENTA is a 5-month mentorship program for women, organized by She Speaks Science. It is designed as a 5-by-5 matrix, with women selected across 5 regions (Africa, Latin & North America, Middle East, Europe, Asia) at 5 different career stages (executive, professional, university student, high schooler, schooler). Within this matrix of 25 women and girls, […]

Astro Classes: Call for students

SPACE UNMSM in Peru invites students in 3rd-5th grades at Peruvian state secondary schools to apply for a series of after-school astronomy classes. These free virtual classes will admit a limited number of students. Coordinated under the project ‘Ask An Astronomer (Pregúntale A Un Astrónomo)’ awarded an OAD COVID-19 grant. #AstroClases Registration deadline: Friday, January […]

E-Learning Platform is now LIVE

The online learning platform is now LIVE. Courses are available on the platform for secondary school students and university students. All courses are free and can be accessed upon registration. Developed by NASRDA-CBSS with the support of an OAD grant. E-Learning platform: University lectures: Secondary school lectures: Instructions on using the platform […]