Author Archives: MasterUser

Overview of the project

Project title: Dark Skies Outreach to Sub-Saharan Africa, USA/Africa Project leader: Dr. Connie Walker We propose to optimize and implement the successful Dark Sky Rangers / GLOBE at Night citizen scientist program in 12-15 sub-Saharan African countries. The GLOBE at Night program, hosted by the U.S. National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO), is an international citizen-science […]

Overview of the project

Project title: Network for Astronomy School Education (NASE), Africa Project leader: Prof. Rosa Ros NASE is a specific project for Secondary and Primary schools teachers. It is crucial to act before the university and research period in the curricula of children and teenagers. Hence it is necessary to educate teachers in astronomy topics. In general, […]

Kenya NASE workshop programme

The main goal of NASE is to create a Local Working Group in Nairobi. This group of professors and teachers will be the active people (the trainers) that work with NASE in the future in order to teach courses in Kenya. We will train trainers during the NASE course. You will find here the official […]

Training at RMH 3rd September 2013

[nggallery id=49] Here are a few images from the 3rd September 2013 event that took place at the Ronald McDonald House near University of Chicago Comer Children’s Hospital. The project leader, Dr. David Lubowich, is in a black glow-in-the-dark tee shirt with the Moon on the front. In the blue shirt, David Singer, a Ronald […]