Author Archives: MasterUser

Overview of the project

Project title: National Workshop on Astronomy & Astrophysics in Kathmandu, Nepal Project leader: Prof. Binil Aryal June 25th – 28th, 2013, Central Department of Physics at Tribhuvan University, Nepal Workshop Programme & List of participants The Central Department of Physics at Tribhuvan University has been helping bring the world of Astronomy & Astrophysics to interested […]

Overview of the project (Phase I-2013)

Project title: Starlight in the university: “Astrolab” Project leader: Prof. Jean-Pierre de Grève The project aims at fully developing and implementing a research tutorial, Astrolab, in universities in need of astronomy infrastructure and curriculum, allowing undergraduate students in sciences to perform real-time observations on a remote telescope, and transforming those observations in to a scientific […]

Overview of the project

Project title: Strengthening Astronomy Research at the University level in Rwanda Project leader: Dr. Pheneas Nkundabakura Follow the project here! During the year 2009, IAU donated 5 computers to help students and Lecturers to learn and use astronomy softwares. The computers run completely on Linux. With these computers, the Kigali Institute of Education (Faculty of […]