Author Archives: MasterUser

Overview of the project

Project title: Conduction of astronomical activities to motivate students in Public schools of Nepal Project leader: Ms. Sarita Baral Extracted from Project’s Final Report: Summary of the project Despite the favorable climatic and geographical conditions, research and development of the astronomy in Nepal is very limited. Nepal has to do lots of works to aware […]

Articles in the press about the JEDI workshop

2014-04-10 on NCRST press-release: 2014-04-09 on 99FM 2014-04-10 on AZ: 2014-04-11 on Namibia Economist: 2014-04-14 on The villager:

Project update: JEDI astronomy workshop

JEDI astronomy workshop from June 30th to July 6th at the University of Namibia The Astronomy and Space Science Workshop sponsored by the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development was hosted at the University of Namibia from June 30th to July 6th 2014. This workshop is part of the Joint Exchange Development Initiative (JEDI) that […]