Author Archives: MasterUser

I teach astronomy because…

This post was written by Jeremy Exelby. He grew up in Southern Africa where clear night skies stimulated an interest in astronomy that has remained with him ever since. Jeremy has worked in several countries in both hemispheres, and currently teaches close to the equator. He has made a number of optical and radio telescopes, and […]

Portuguese project update: eFormação

eFormação de Professores em S. Tomé e Príncipe De 12 de Novembro a 3 de Dezembro decorreu no Príncipe a eFormação de Professores realizada no âmbito do projeto realizado pelo NUCLIO – Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia, GTTP – Galileo Teacher Training Program e o OAD – Office of Astronomy for Development. A eformação teve o […]

LIVE Streaming: Astronomers Without Borders- Astronomy for the development of STEM Education

Streamed live on 6 Aug 2014 Astronauts Ron Garan and Anousheh Ansari join us for this special AWB Hangout, “Astronomy In the Development of STEM Education”. Though often neglected in traditional educational systems, astronomy is an ideal way to present science and other technical fields in schools. With limited resources, especially in developing countries, astronomy […]