Author Archives: MasterUser

Overview of the project

Project leader: Mponda Malozo, Project location: Tanzania Project description: Astro-Science Ambassadors are science teachers trained to teach using astronomy as a tool for inquiry based science education in Tanzania. These ambassadors participated in a training workshop which designed to develop astro-science curriculum activities in line with science syllabuses of the United Republic of Tanzania. […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Michael Backes, Project location: Windhoek, Namibia Project description: This project is centered on purchasing an optical camera for the use with a 14-inch telescope in Windhoek, Namibia. Namibia is home to the world’s largest gamma-ray experiment, the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) project. Also, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope will partly […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Raka Dabhade, Project location: Pune India Project description: The TARA Observatory is a unique project which proposes to combine a highly configurable robotic telescope array with an innovative sensor array network. TARA is an Indian word for a Star and also an ancient ceremonial site in Ireland with astronomical roots, hence it […]

Overview of the project

Project leader; Nadir Hashim, Project location: Nairobi, Kenya Project description: There is a rapidly growing interest in astronomy and astrophysics in Kenya and the East African region. One of the SKA nodes will be located in Kenya and an observatory for optical astronomy has already been commissioned at Entoto in Ethiopia. These developments provide […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Katrien Kolenberg, Project location: Boston, U.S.A Project Description: The importance of mobility of scientists for their careers is unquestionable. However, for researchers from economically developing countries, visiting a world-renowned institution is something they can only dream of, not because of lack of talent or ambition, but because of lack of opportunities and […]