Author Archives: MasterUser

Overview of the project

Project leader Bonnie Thurber, Project location: Digital: Chile, China, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, and the United States Project description: Using only the sunlight striking the Earth and a wooden dowel, students can measure the circumference of the earth. Eratosthenes did it over 2,000 years ago. In Cosmos, Carl Sagan shared the process by which Eratosthenes […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Julie Bolduc-Duval, Project location: Canada Project description: Discover the Universe (À la découverte de l’Univers) is a Canadian-based program offering free online astronomy workshops for educators. Over the past 4 years, we have reached over 750 teachers and informal educators from all across Canada with extremely positive comments and feedback. Our typical workshop […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Sebastien Guillot, Project location: Quebec, Canada Project description: AstroMcGill, the astronomy outreach group at McGill University, will organise a new program called “Adopt an Astronomer”. This program will send McGill University’s young professional astronomers (graduate students or post-doctoral researchers) to primary school classrooms around Québec, multiple times a year. In other words, […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Fabio Del Sordo, Project location: South America Project description: GalileoMobile (GM, is a non-profit, itinerant education initiative that brings Astronomy to young people in areas with limited access to outreach programmes. Started in 2009 by a group of volunteers, it now performs astronomy-related activities in schools and communities all over the […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Susan Oduori, Project location: Kenya Project description: The goal of the Traveling telescope is to promote science learning to a wide range of Kenyan schools in various locations exchanging knowledge about the sky through direct observations of celestial bodies using state of the art telescopes. In addition to direct observing we also teach […]