Author Archives: MasterUser

IAU General Assembly 2015

The OAD shared a booth with the Office of Astronomy Outreach at the IAU General Assembly 2015 in Honolulu, Hawaii. For two weeks, we coordinated all our activities from the stand. It acted as the meeting point for our global network and for several Astronomy for Development discussions. Our team, along with the OAO, explained the […]

Beyond the niche: how AuthorAID has expanded my academic horizons

Five years ago, I made the life-changing decision to resign from my comfortable academic position at the University of Sheffield, a well‐respected university in the north of England, and move to the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University. Then, as now, my research focused on “star clusters”, which are the observational foundation […]

Spreading science education, one telescope at a time

The following article is from the website of University of California Santa Cruz, where one of the project coordinators is completing his graduate studies in astrophysics. By Peggy Townsend If not for a down-on-his luck Mongolian astronomer with a penchant for drinking, 44 schools in that rugged country might not have telescopes with which to peer […]

Final report

The AstroTwinCoLO 2014 Meeting was the second event celebrated as part of the Astronomy Twinning Program between the University of Antioquia (Colombia) and Leiden Observatory (Leiden). The meeting was held in Medellin (Colombia) between August 19-29, 2014. The goal was to continue with a 5-year long collaboration effort between the two institutions that started in […]