Author Archives: MasterUser

Final report – WAISSYA 2015

The West African International Summer School for Young Astronomers (WAISSYA) 2015 is the second organized school after the one held in October 2013. The school was organized and taught by a collaboration of astronomers from the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics / University of British Columbia, the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the […]

Scifest Africa 2016

The continent’s biggest Science Festival turned 20 this year. Scifest is the biggest public Science event in the country which attracts national stakeholders in research, education, policy, and outreach from across various fields of science. Several international organizations, such as NASA, support and participate in Scifest. The South African Minister of Science and Technology,  Ms Naledi […]

IAU OAD Regional Offices Meeting

3rd Face-to-Face Meeting of Regional Offices of Astronomy for Development 2-4 March 2016, South African Astronomical Observatory, Cape Town The Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) has, at present, nine Regional Offices and Language Expertise Centers around the world. These offices work closely with the OAD in order to implement the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Strategic […]