Author Archives: MasterUser

Overview of the Project

The NEPA/UEA/CNPq [English: Nucleous for Teaching and Research in Astronomy] is a research group located within the International Amazon and has developed actions that respect local knowledge (I refer to the Brazilian Indigenous). In fact, they have a big challenge ahead, namely: to rescue their identity because every day the urban exodus depart indigenous youth of the knowledge and […]

Final Report

Aim: To develop and establish a completely automated observatory which can be controlled through internet by authorized person. Objectives of the project: To identify site for the observatory To carry the site survey Testing different aspect for the proposed site. To procure the required instruments/ equipment for the observatory Understanding the research finding Selection of […]

Final Report

Cosmic Light: Bring Galileo’s starry messenger to Vietnam With the help of OAD-IAU, we are targeting at becoming the main hub to coordinate amateur astronomy activities as well as to circulate information on astronomical events, and science development in the country. 1.Translation of the book Galileo’s “Starry Messenger”: We finished the first draft of the translation […]

Handbook and Final Report

Final Report in PDF Handbook for the kit (in Spanish). Please contact us if you are interested in translating the handbook. For enquiries on the kit or if you are interested in creating your own kit, please email us at Astronomy with all senses, is a traveling exhibition specially designs for people with physical […]