Author Archives: MasterUser

Crowdfunding campaign

Crowd-funding campaign to raise funds for West African Astronomy School 2017 WAISSYA 2017 will be held in Accra, Ghana, in August 2017, hosted by the Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute — your help supports more students to attend! WAISSYA 2017 is supported by grants from the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development, the Square Kilometer Array, the Abdus-Salam […]

Open Days

On April 17th 2017, at 6th Junior High School of Thessaloniki (Inclusion Classes for Visual Impaired Pupils) an “Open Astronomy Day” will take place, in the context of IAU-OAD’s project “Looking … Up program! Astronomy for ALL”. After the activities a teachers’  education seminar will follow. Open Day #2 Open Day #3 took place in Veria)

First Workshop

First bi-communal youth workshop of the ‘Columba-Hypatia:Astronomy for Peace’ Project implemented by GalileoMobile and the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research. The workshop used Astronomy to bring together students from both sides of the border of Cyprus

Project plan

The project plan for Astrobabies project is available in English and Spanish The activities have three different audiences: 1. Children aged 0 to 47 months 2. teachers, psychologists, special educators and social workers. 3. Parents and caregivers For the attention of children will attend 10 monthly Institutions in which 2 groups of 20 children with one […]


In line with the development of high-tech scientific facility of the National Astronomical Observatory in the Middle Amfoang (Regency Kupang – NTT), the demands for strengthening the human resource capacity becomes very important as the form of the establishment of symbiotic mutualism between the observatory and the local community. Community Empowerment Program (Community Development) in […]