Author Archives: MasterUser

Final Report

The Solving Problems and Cosmic Exploration (SPACE) is a program that aims to develop problem solving skills and stimulate creativity through various challenges that are presented within an astronomy context. The SPACE program includes workshops, science shows, games, public busking etc. Activities: The SPACE program comprises of workshops, science shows, public busking and games. Some […]

Final report

The Touching Space project was awarded funding by the OAD, with the aim of bringing astronomy to both children and adults with visual impairments and other forms of disability. Through the use of sensory activities designed to provide a different approach to learning that does not rely on the traditional visual side of astronomy, the […]

Global Competition on creating an Educational Video on Astronomy

A Global Competition on Creating an Educational Video on Astronomy is held in the context of IAU-OAD’s Looking …Up! Astronomy for ALL project. It is open to Teachers, Educators and Students all over the World. The competition aims to promote and encourage the engagement with Astronomy concepts and the integration of Astronomy to the Curricula. Teachers/Educators/Students […]

MEARIM-IV (Middle East and Africa Regional IAU Meeting)

The fourth Middle East and African IAU Regional meeting (MEARIM), was jointly hosted by Entoto Observatory & Research Center(EORC) and East African Regional Office of Astronomy for Development (ROAD-IAU) from 22-25 May 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the theme of “Exploring our Universe for the benefit of Humankind”. The aim of the meeting was to […]

Final Report and Resources

The Sky on a Bike project was proposed and conducted by SPACE, with the goal of popularizing science via Astronomy and Space Sciences throughout the domains of education, public and media. This project has been introducing the wonders of the night sky to identified groups of economically disadvantaged and uneducated population in Indian villages with […]