Author Archives: MasterUser

update: 1 day event

Girls Astronomy Camp Obasanjo Space Centre, National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) campus, Abuja, Nigeria 28th April, 2018 An astronomy awareness day is being held as part of the project ‘Girls Astronomy Camp’ in Abuja, Nigeria, supported by the OAD. Fifty young girls are being selected to participate in this camp. A lot of […]

Africa-EU collaborations

In April 2018, a special session (#23) held at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science in Liverpool highlighted African-Europe collaborations in Astronomy and Space Science. The session, organised by Mirjana Pović (ESSTI) and Vanessa McBride (OAD) comprised two invited presentations and fourteen short contributed talks to give a continent wide overview of Africa-Europe […]